Any person who uses the Internet has a digital fingerprint. This may be higher or lower depending on how much information you have shared, even unintentionally, and how cautious you have been during your online activity. And there is always someone who can get hold of said data to try to get some kind of benefit from it. This is how a good part of internet fraud arises, including so-called doxing.

Doxing consists of publicly exposing very personal information about an individual. Such as the person’s full name, address, contact information, telephone number, financial information, place of work or anything else that identifies them. Something suffered by both famous people, such as actors, artists or politicians, and by people far from the public spotlight. Although its objective is usually to punish or humiliate the individual who suffers it, it can also become a weapon of blackmail and fraud.

The practice of doxing is structured based on certain strategies, such as tracking usernames, performing a WHOIS search linked to a possible domain name or tracking IP addresses, among others. Although it may seem difficult to escape this, there are a series of measures that will protect the user and thus avoid falling into this fraud.