The potential ability of artificial intelligence to generate original content for series and movies is one of the main reasons why Hollywood screenwriters have gone on strike in recent months. Many consider it a threat to authors, while some entertainment industry sources see it as an opportunity. Charlie Brooker, the creator of Black Mirror, has been one of the writers who has already tried to use artificial intelligence to improve his scripts. And he has a clear vision: according to him, ChatGPT is still very far from being effective in carrying out his work.

The author of the series of science fiction and dystopian stories asked ChatGPT to do an episode: “As the first couple of sentences appear, you feel a cold pang of fear, like animal terror, as if I were being replaced… “I couldn’t even see what I was doing, I thought I was going to jump out the window,” he said.

However, this feeling was short-lived for Brooker: “As it goes on, you’re like, ‘Oh, this is boring. A second ago he was scared; Now I’m bored because this is a substitute,’” highlights the creator of one of the most successful series of the 21st century.

“It’s emulating something. She’s accumulating all the Black Mirror episode descriptions, presumably from Wikipedia and other things people have written, and throwing them up at me. It pretends to be something it is not capable of being,” Brooker lamented about AI work.

In short, for Brooker, AI “cannot replace chaotic people,” who according to him are the ones who manage to make truly impactful and novel stories, a role that the available artificial intelligence tools are still far from achieving.

A few months ago he already said this about ChatGPT: “It’s shit, because the only thing it has done is search for all the synopses of the Black Mirror episodes and mix them up. And if you dig a little deeper, you realize that there really is no original thought.”