Tesla’s promise with its Cybertruck is clear: to offer a vehicle so safe that even Elon Musk himself considers it capable of withstanding an apocalypse. It is not an unsubstantiated statement. The most recent test of his supernatural security was when a group of thieves failed to breach his defenses, attempting to access the interior without success.

This episode, in which the thieves were seen as true rookies, took place in California last February and was documented by the vehicle’s internal cameras, which showed the vandals’ unsuccessful fight against the resistance of the Cybertruck.

Arash Malek, a Tesla enthusiast and exceptional witness to the attempted robbery, shared the video on social media, where the thieves can be seen trying to damage the vehicle. Despite his attempts to break the glass and climb to the roof, the Cybertruck proved invincible.

Although images show the window scratched and cracked, it remains in place, dashing any hopes of breaking into the vehicle designed by Musk’s team. The tycoon’s reaction to this video was immediate and he stuck out his chest for having managed to annoy the vandals.

The Cybertruck ideologist, very proud of the video, cited Malek’s publication and proclaimed from the rooftops that this truck is “the definitive defense technology against the apocalypse” because no one, neither human nor natural phenomenon, can destroy the vehicle. Tesla.

The Cybertruck, which at the time of its launch proved to be resistant to gunshots and the impact of high-speed objects, continues to impress with its durability no matter what you throw at it. Since it has been available, a large amount of testing has been done that shows that the Cybertruck is fortified.

The safety of the truck is one of the cornerstones of its design. Tesla claims its windows can withstand impacts from 70mph baseballs or class 4 hail, feats that Musk has highlighted by comparing them to “an armored personnel carrier of the future.”