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The University of Barcelona has achieved position number 76 worldwide, 25th in Europe and first in Spain in the second QS ranking on sustainability, which this year has evaluated 1,397 universities from around the world, double that of last year. .

This ranking analyzes, for each university, the results in the categories of environmental impact, social impact and governance. The UB is above the global average in all categories, each of them considering a set of different dimensions. In the environmental impact category, the UB achieves a particularly good score in the dimension of sustainable institution, and, as regards social impact, it stands out in education and health and well-being.

The classification is prepared based on information provided by the universities themselves and with their own data from QS, Elsevier and organizations such as UNESCO or the World Bank. The UB has provided data on sustainability; environmental education and research; equality; transfer of knowledge and education; health and well-being, and governance.

This ranking, which began last year as a first pilot edition, aims to show how universities face major environmental, social and governance challenges. It is prepared from evidence on the impact of graduates on the creation of science and technology to solve issues related to climate, for example, or on the impact of research on the sustainable development goals of the United Nations.

In the social impact category, the efforts of universities to improve society are included, either through measures for equality or through the knowledge and experience that students obtain. In the environmental impact category, measures are evaluated in relation to a positive change for the planet, whether through research, policies linked to the climate or with the contributions made by graduates to the creation of a more sustainable world. And the governance category is based on the principle that good leadership is needed, as well as democratic processes, to achieve the challenges set.