When something succeeds in the networks it is said to go like a rocket. Whether the space vehicle ends up in the lunatic sea of ​​Tranquillity or the Sea of ​​Crisis is another story, because, as popular wisdom says, rushes are not good advisors, especially when it comes to Renfe.

The vice-president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, spoke about trains and planes this week, when she went like a rocket on the old Twitter, thanks to the governance pact between Sumar and the PSOE. And since envy is a very ugly thing, while some, his, of course, congratulated themselves, others, the others, rescued the memes of a few weeks ago, when he said that the elites had a plan B for when the world “went to hell”, with its “rockets to escape from the Earth”, which caused widespread anxiety among those who do not have rockets and are not about to launch them. That is, all of them.

Trains to replace airplanes for short distances (good thing we’re talking about journeys and not other things) and space vehicles for more than long ones, say millions of kilometers to Mars, and X was filled with comments like the from @JosPrastr: “Yolanda Díaz wants to ban short trips in rockets if there is an alternative in flying saucers”. It has its charm and the fact is that we need a few laughs as this planet is from which the megamegarics want to escape. His people are not laughing, of course, because here, in the digital space, the joke goes around.

This is another of X’s problems, an application from which it is possible to escape without needing to get on any plate. The megamegarics are not in the networks, it is others who do the work for them. That should tell us something.

The “Papá, ven en tren”, television campaign of the early seventies that praised the safety of traveling by rail in the face of the dangers of the road, has come back to life with Yolanda Díaz’s ads and tweeters’ responses. If we add to it, regardless of the redundancy, the tendencies of PSOE, Sumar, Podemos, Colau, Díaz, Pablo Iglesias and so on, the rocket of the left becomes a wormhole thanks to which it will be possible to travel thousands of light years . Wait and see, not in the future but in the present, as the investiture approaches.

And returning to the announcements and the rushes, we find sensible comments on the networks, as before banning they should improve, in this case the railway network, in time and space, so that we come by train, which we wish not in are missing