First ordinary plenary session of the legislature – before there were appearances by the councilors – and the first time that PP and Vox will vote separately in Les Corts Valencianes. This Wednesday’s debate (the vote will be tomorrow, Thursday) on the need to approve a second Valencian pact against gender and sexist violence has distanced the two members of the Consell and has restored the unity that until now the rest of the parties maintained in against gender violence.

The PP has reached an agreement with the opposition (Compromís and PSPV) to negotiate a text from which only Vox has distanced itself. In a debate that has not been without reproaches between the parties that have finally reached an agreement, it has become clear that, in this matter, the two parties that support the Valencian Government from Parliament do not share the same language.

The PP has agreed with the PSPV – promoter of the proposal – and Compromís a text with five points in which the Valencian Executive is urged to approve the second Valencian pact against gender and sexist violence; that it is the result of the agreement of administrations, social entities, women’s organizations, political parties and social agents; that the agreement takes into account the work already carried out in the two meetings held since September 18, 2022; that the pact be provided with sufficient resources for its execution; and that Les Corts be informed within a maximum of three months from approval.

In this way, a certain unity is restored that was truncated by the banner war when it came to denouncing sexist crimes.

Although it is a global agreement, Vox wanted to distance itself. Her deputy Miriam Turial has defended the vote against her party, alleging that “the Valencian pact against gender violence has not been useful to women” as demonstrated by the fact that the number of murdered women has increased.

For Vox, the agreement “only represents those who use it as an ideological weapon, who while signing pacts, forgot to take measures against women.” For this reason, he has not hesitated to describe the initiative supported by the PP as “letters without content” and “inconsistent paper.”

PSPV deputy Rosa Peris has stressed that “everything we hear from Vox is enormously worrying” while accusing this group of “giving shelter to abusers.” However, Peris has not moved the focus away from the PP and has pointed out that it is difficult to understand “how Vox’s position is part of that government” and “how those who talk about gender violence and those who talk about gender violence will be able to integrate it.” domestic violence”.