Oriol Junqueras gave the hint on Monday that heads could roll when he expressed his “maximum confidence” in the Government and, he added, “the actions it can take”. Following the fiasco of the oppositions for the stabilization of personnel, with 13,581 workers of the Generalitat who opted for 1,825 places this weekend, the decision taken by the Executive of Pere Aragonès has been to dismiss the one who until yesterday was director general of Public Function, Marta Martorell, and has been replaced by the deputy director of Analysis and Strategic Planning, in the same area, Anna Maria Molina.

The measure does not even remotely convince the opposition, who see the impeachment as a Turkish leader. Martorell was number three in degree of responsibility. Above is the Secretary of Administration and Public Service, Alícia Corral, and the Councilor of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà.

That is why Junts called the dismissal of Martorell a “hair loss”, the PSC demanded “more responsibilities”, the CUP asked Vilagrà to “rectify” or to “go away”, and the commons make it clear that the dismissal of this manager “is the minimum”. Patrícia Plaja, spokesperson for the Government, was definitive: the Catalan Executive is not considering the minister’s resignation.

Vilagrà will meet this afternoon in Palau with the unions to try to rectify the situation. On the table, study to what extent it would be necessary to partially or fully repeat the tests. Likewise, the minister will appear in Parliament to give explanations, although for the latter there is still no assigned date.

The Generalitat outsourced to the company Cegos, which at the same time subcontracted the ETT Randstad to hire the invigilators of the exams. Plaja emphasized the fact that the exams are prepared by the Generalitat, but the logistics of a “convocation with exceptional characteristics” was outsourced, as he said, since 13,581 people appeared in 72 simultaneous processes. “The company didn’t do it the way it was supposed to,” stressed Plaja, who nevertheless did not shy away from taking responsibility.

In fact, despite the fact that Martorell was appointed as Director of Public Service on January 17, 2023, the award to the Cegos company was made on November 24 of last year, and the formalization of the contract dates from 30 of December Plaja, however, argued that she has been dismissed for not properly monitoring and monitoring the process of these specific oppositions, and does not question the tender, which was not signed by Martorell, but by Corral.

The spokeswoman assured that the legal cabinet of the Generalitat is looking at the fine print to see what the consequences may be against the Cegos company and whether an award of contracts until 2024 that goes up to 1.5 million can be rescinded euros

“Each selection process is different, but in this particular case” the Generalitat “had neither the material resources nor the personal resources” to deal with such a broad call, explained Plaja. He also pointed out that it happened that a good part of the bag of 500 volunteers who normally participate in the logistics of oppositions, also participated in the exams, which is why outsourcing was resorted to.