Laia Codina (Campllonch, 2000) made her debut with the national team eight months ago and has since won Jorge Vilda’s trust. The one in Australia and New Zealand will be the center’s first World Cup and his chance to vindicate himself in a year in which he has not had as much weight with FC Barcelona. With the Blaugrana team, she lifted the Champions League at the beginning of June and before the end of the month she was already focused on Spain.

Have you had time to rest?

the righteous When you have more than a fortnight’s holiday you’re already thinking that you have to start running in order not to lose your tone, so I think two weeks have been perfect to arrive fresh.

He made his debut in October with the absolute, against the United States and scoring. How did he experience it?

Very happy. I knew I was going to start the day before and I think it’s one of the games I’ve faced more calmly, despite the fact that it was a debut with the national team and against the United States. My dad was in the stands and it was really nice to celebrate with him and a goal.

Does he think that thanks to this match he vindicated himself against Vilda?

Surely this match helped, and a lot, but that was the point. In the end you have to take advantage of the opportunities that are given to you, because in football everything is moments.

At Barça he has barely had minutes, while in the national team he has been gaining weight. How do you manage having two such different roles?

It costs a lot and I think I’ve been learning that this season, which has been a learning experience in every way.

Does he feel important in the selection?

Yes, totally. We all like to feel important and I felt more important here than at my club, but in the end things happen. This is football and I guess I was able to take advantage of the opportunity and it has given me this continuity with the national team.

What does being at the World Cup mean to you?

Well, it’s the maximum. In the end I have had a difficult year personally and footballingly and this is how to close the circle well. Just being on this list means a lot to me.

How do you see Spain’s options in this World Cup?

I think something big can be done. There is a lot of excitement and when you start entrusting one to another, you can get far. I hope to see Spain on August 20 playing the final.

I was about to ask you to overcome the historical barrier of the quarters, but you are talking about the final.

It is what we should aspire to. I think we have a very good team and few teams play the game we can, so it’s something we have to take advantage of.

Which selections do you see the strongest?

A World Cup opens the doors to so many teams… Losing a match in the group stage can leave you out. I could use clichés and say the United States and England because they won the Euros, but I think I would be underestimating teams that also have not only the opportunity, but the team to go far.

Can this World Cup break the hegemony of the United States?

Probably. In fact, Spain lost in the last against them, and for me, who saw it from home, Spain deserved much more. And we are talking about four years ago. I think so, and I’m not just talking about Spain, but Europe in general will take a step forward this World Cup.

Aside from football, it has been a very turbulent year for the national team; is it resolved

In a football team that lives together for so many hours, the emotions are more intense, both the good and the bad. But we are very professional and, if we want to go far in the World Cup, there must be a certain tranquility and cohesion in the group. The most important thing is that we all respect each other, both those who are here and those who are not.

How has the conflict been experienced?

I made the decision to go to the national team. Everyone will decide if it is more consistent for them or not, but I felt that going there was the best personal choice for me at the time.

They have been accused of being capricious and have been in the media spotlight, how have you handled these criticisms?

I personally have moved away from it quite a bit. It’s something you learn and I’ve probably learned it the hard way at some point. In the end it only matters what you do, everything within your reach is what you can control. What you can’t control, it’s better not to pay much attention to.

He has gone so far as to close his Twitter account…

Yes, because if not, we tend to go into it and you see things that you don’t like or that don’t add up. I’m one of those who tries to put aside everything that doesn’t add up because the life of a footballer is very short and I like to squeeze it.

Does being at Barça help carry this weight?

Yes, and it’s probably because it’s something you share with many female colleagues. The fact that you are living the same as the one next door means that you can have conversations that can help you bear it.

Has she felt judged?

I accept everything that is said because I understand that everyone has their opinion and no one has the absolute truth. Personally, I have not felt judged, but at times I have felt attacked, like other colleagues. But I think it’s part of it, I mean I don’t think it’s bad. Criticism, if it is constructive, will make us grow.

Do you think Spain’s results will be judged differently after the conflict?

For sure it will come out, because we already see it in the interviews, which continues to be a topic that is talked about, but I see the team very confident and very calm in this regard. There is a lot of tranquility and I like that because it is something that makes you feel comfortable.

He has one year left on his contract with Barça, but there is speculation about his departure. Will it be decided after the World Cup?

Yes, exactly, because I think it’s important not to lose focus of what I’m living now, because if not, I won’t have my head where it needs to be. I’m very calm about what’s to come, I have a one-year contract with Barça and now I’m here with the national team and I want to make the most of it.

Doing a good World Cup can open many doors for him.

I trust to be able to do a good World Cup and in some way vindicate myself, why not?