The Getafe City Council has intensified its campaign against the proliferation of mosquitoes and black flies, especially in the Manzanares River and wetlands near the Perales del Río and Los Molinos neighborhoods, given the rise in temperatures in recent days.

Due to the heat, the initial work had to be brought forward to the month of April, and now, with the arrival of the first heat wave of the summer, they have intensified, with weekly assessments on the ground and treatments based on what is observed. , through specific biological products for the control of insects.

“As established by law, action is taken on the larvae of these species, to prevent them from reaching their adult stage and thus reduce the number of specimens that could have adverse effects on the population,” they have pointed out from the Consistory in a note.

In addition, the Getafense City Council has once again demanded that Madrid take note in its municipal area, which not only affects the residents of the capital, but also neighborhoods such as Perales del Río.

“If Madrid cleaned the riverbank and applied these treatments in a similar way to that carried out in Getafe, the results would be much more effective, since neither mosquitoes nor black flies understand geographical limits,” they insist.

The Environment area also recommends other complementary measures such as the use of repellents after consulting a pharmacist or family doctor, or that pool water must be chlorinated or treated to prevent the proliferation of larvae.

It is also recommended to monitor containers that may contain water, such as potted dishes, buckets or waterlogged areas of grass; use mosquito nets in windows or holes in the house; and avoid walks along the banks of the river at sunrise and sunset hours.

In addition, the Getafe City Council continues to attend to all requests and incidents on an individual basis regarding any threat of infestation of insects or other animals on the phone 912027944 and by email