Isabel Díaz Ayuso has displayed in the investiture plenary debate held in the Madrid Assembly a speech halfway between the presentation of her political project for the next four years in the region and a campaign act. The acting president of the Community has devoted the first 10 minutes of her speech to competing directly against the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, against whom she has directed herself as the “breakwater” against those who want to divide Spain, although she has also sent some message to Vox by reducing its cultural battlefield in anticipation of a legislature with very few synergies between the two rights.

Ayuso has put his absolute majority at the service of the national PP and has anticipated that the massive rejection of the people of Madrid to the “institutional degradation and the rule of law” in which he has summarized the legacy of the central government will not only be repeated on 23-J but it will be replicated throughout the country.

Beyond the direct attacks on Sánchez and the references to Bildu, Ayuso has certified that the Popular Party will abound in the tax cuts deployed in the previous legislature and that have come to be classified as tax dumping from other autonomies. Even in aspects for which it does not have powers, such as the case of the capital gains tax whose management falls on the municipalities.

To do this, Ayuso has asked the 179 consistories of the region to apply a reduction in the tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Nature Land. It will be the respective mayors who decide to apply it or not. But by controlling the PP 115 of these mayoralties, the acting president has publicized her request as her own reduction with which, in addition to scoring the goal, she intends to put pressure on the group of progressive forces -which divide the remaining 64 municipalities- forcing them to take a position on the dichotomy of raising or lowering taxes. All this in the prelude to the campaign for the general elections of 23-J.

The capital gains tax is levied on the revaluation of urban land such as homes and premises. And all citizens face it when property is transferred, whether by purchase, donation or inheritance. Ayuso has transferred his proposal to the mayors of the PP as an instruction of “mandatory compliance”. To this end, he argues that the entry into force of this decrease would benefit thousands of families “savings”, “boosting both consumption and investment.” However, the same sources are not able to quantify the savings since the measure is beyond the powers of Sol.

Ayuso’s control over the PP at the regional level makes it impossible for any of the mayors to refuse to execute the mandatory recommendation, even if it does a great deal of damage to their coffers given the difficulty of the more modest municipalities to be able to collect taxes beyond the collection of the IBI or the garbage rate.

Without leaving the tax area, Ayuso has confirmed the next reduction of half a point in the regional income tax in all its sections as well as the annual deflation of the limits on deductions and existing amounts in income tax when inflation is above Of 2%.

In the same way, Ayuso has guaranteed that he will ask “the new Government of the Nation to abolish the Heritage tax, created, do not doubt it, against Madrid” (…) “We will present again the Law on tax deductions so that citizens can bring their families and their businesses, that is, life and jobs to Madrid”, he reasoned.

Contrary to what is happening in other communities where the demands of Vox are bothering the formation of the Executives of the PP, the one in Madrid is a simple parliamentary procedure without incentives given the absolute majority obtained by the popular at the polls. Hence, only the question of who will be his next advisers will provide incentives to the parliamentary day.

But far from keeping his distance from Vox, Ayuso has made an incursion into the usual playing field of ultranationalists to reduce their capacity for action in the so-called cultural battle. For this, he has announced the modification of Law 2/2016, known as the “Trans Law of the Community of Madrid”, but “guaranteeing” the legislative quality; the constitutionality of all articles of the law; equal opportunities for women in sport and in all areas of life; the protection of minors; educational and academic freedom; legal certainty; the presumption of innocence; Press freedom; and the non-criminalization of the intervention of health professionals.

“No one is going to be left unprotected in their legitimate rights, but neither is social engineering going to be done at anyone’s expense,” he added in a direct message to the Vox bench led by its spokesperson, Rocío Monasterio.