The leaders of the three political forces with the most votes in the 23J elections appear before the media after completing their corresponding consultations with the King, Felipe VI.

The first day of consultations closed yesterday Monday without clearing up the outlook for the investiture one iota since the Canary Islands Coalition confirmed its vote for the PP, like UPN, -although without ruling out possible support for the PSOE if it meets its demands- but the PNV For his part, he considered the call for the round hasty as there were no guaranteed majorities and confirmed that the PSOE has not yet spoken anything with the Basque formation about possible support for Pedro Sánchez.

On the other hand, Sumar’s spokeswoman, Yolanda Díaz, conveyed to the King her “vocation” to support the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president to form “the only possible progressive coalition government at this time.”

For this reason, among the possibilities of what will happen today after Feijóo, Sánchez and the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, leave the king’s office in Zarzuela, there is even that the monarch does not propose any name and gives more time to look for a applicant to whom the numbers come out.