Turisme de Barcelona this year commemorates International Women’s Day by giving visibility to the role of women in gastronomy and oenology. The consortium promotes this action through social networks and the Barcelona web portal, focusing on one of the sectors with the most projection to show the talent it has, to a large extent carried out by them.

The initiative is baptized with the motto “The gastronomic revolution continues in clau de dona”. Different actions will be carried out throughout the year to promote the role of women in the most important jobs in this field and value the role they have always had in front of the kitchen through talent, work and excellence.

Eight professionals from gastronomy, restaurants and wine explain in a video, which is expected to go viral through the networks, the role of women in these areas and, in turn, they make known the stellar moment that the cooking in Barcelona and in the rest of the country. Carme Ruscalleda, Jessica Arancibia (Moments) participate; Ada Parellada (Semproniana); Carlota Claver (La Gormanda); Teresa Carles (Restaurant Teresa Carles); Nerina Ciorcdia (Ikibana Sarrià); Dolors Llonch (Can Calopa wine cooperative) and Mireia Pujol-Busquets (Alta Alella).

A “Barcelona en femení” filter has been created on the web portal, which includes all the activities scheduled for March 8, as well as other experiences related to the female profile. From a guided tour of Casa Milà on modernist women, to the Cursa de la Dona held in November, or the photography exhibition at the Ethnological Museum where women from different continents are portrayed.

In the restaurant world, a very small percentage of women hold the positions of chef and sous-chef: only 20% own a restaurant with a salary difference of 28% between a man. Of the more than 200 restaurants awarded with Michelin stars, only 24 have been led by women.