The Barcelona brand has its origins in a small pharmacy in Poblenou (the Xalabarder Pharmacy) which, still today, is one of the leaders in master formulations. TOSKANI, located in Santa Eulalia de Ronçana, sells its products in more than 70 countries, which can only be found in clinics and aesthetic centers. “Our goal is to offer complete solutions to professionals. We look for formulations that are effective, innovative, respectful of the skin and safe”, comments Raquel Triviño, national director of TOSKANI.

From a small pharmacy, to being present all over the world with your products. How has this evolution been?

It began by producing vials and ampoules in the pharmacy until it was decided to separate the dermo-aesthetic formulations and create TOSKANI as a company. The growth of Toskani at an international level is a highly planned project that has been consolidated step by step during all these years.

Two brands, Toskani and ToskaniMed. The first aimed at aesthetic centers and the second for aesthetic medicine?

Indeed. At Toskani we have the accumulated experience of 40 years developing effective and innovative products and solutions for beauty salons. You have to think that the skin has a barrier that protects us from the outside, so driving active ingredients without injection to the target layer of the skin where they must carry out their action is a significant challenge. But with our own device called the Mesoject Gun® we achieved it and this has given us great recognition in beauty centers. We took the next step in 2019, creating the TOSKANIMED line, much more focused on aesthetic medicine, with new injectable products. This is a very competitive and demanding sector (basically controlled by four large pharmaceutical companies worldwide), but we have taken advantage of all the knowledge accumulated over the years in skin care to develop health products that go one step further, integrating the purely aesthetic concept. to skin care concept.

We have discussed it above, but what really makes your products different?

What makes our products different is, without a doubt, their highly effective formulation, for all skin types and with a high degree of biocompatibility. We observe how the body, the skin, works and we try to replicate a product as similar as possible to the one our body manufactures. In this way, he recognizes it as his own without expressing complaints or alterations. And this is thanks to the large investment in RD that we constantly make.

Could you explain a little more what biocompatibility is?

Of course. We are, for example, hyaluronic acid injections to fill wrinkles. At TOSKANIMED we have developed a hyaluronic acid by observing how it is produced by the body. We have had to modify the conventional manufacturing system to achieve a product with the same properties as our own hyaluronic acid and that does not break down in the manufacturing process. The result is a hyaluronic acid of a high degree of purity and practically bioidentical. The reaction of the body when injected is wonderful.

I understand.

Or imagine a chemical peel, which has tremendous results on the skin, but also puts a lot of stress on the skin and, because of this, can rebound with a lot of internal inflammation. Our new cosmetic peeling does not cause this reaction because we have achieved a liposomal peeling, the Duosomal®. And what I was saying about the Mesoject Gun®: we carry the sterile products with which the professional works, from the vial to the target layer of the skin, avoiding injection. A pure product, not oxidized or contaminated that will work from the inside.

And for home care?

In fact, it is the professionals themselves who prescribe and sell their products. That’s how it is. TOSKANI products cannot be found in pharmacies, perfumeries, stores or online mass sales, because we believe that it is skin professionals who must diagnose each person and prescribe what they really need. We give them the elements, we give them some active principles, which the professionals combine according to the case and according to each type of skin. In addition, we provide complete treatments, something that both doctors and beauticians value highly.

From TOSKANI, they also make a strong commitment to training.

That’s how it is. And we do it for two reasons. On the one hand, we know that for TOSKANI products to work well, they must also be applied correctly. In this way, we hold an annual seminar with distributors from all over the world. And we also do courses and training for doctors, clinical assistant teams, beauticians… so that they can get the most out of our formulations; and we accompany them so that they do not have doubts throughout the process, something that they also value very much. But, on the other hand, it is also the way we listen to the market and find out what it needs in order to continue creating and growing with new products.

And speaking of continuing to grow and create, is this TOSKANI’s goal for the coming years?

Absolutely. We want to continue working and developing new innovative formulations to be recognized, not only in Spain, but worldwide as a benchmark company in dermo-aesthetics and aesthetic medicine.