Hello good morning!

The territorial debate in Spain is a classic that is gaining strength again today, driven by an investiture that is hard to pray for. Beyond Catalonia, however, the tug-of-war over divergent taxation returns, surprise? He adds and continues.

Catalonia. The path to the investiture remains mired in the negotiation between the PSOE and the independence movement and the possible amnesty. Sánchez already assumes that there will be a progressive government.

The criticisms are increasing. But is there an alternative? If Spain had the Dutch electoral system, Sánchez would already govern. And if I had the Greek, Feijóo would govern today. Comparing the Spanish case with others helps to understand how the territory is key.

Taxes. Beyond that, the tax controversy returns. Catalonia, Aragon (for now…), Castilla-La Mancha and Asturias are the only four autonomies that maintain high tax pressure on inheritances and those of the PP aim to touch personal income tax and assets. The divergence grows.

Immigration urgency. Seeing the president of the Commission next to the Italian says a lot about the serious migration crisis in recent days in Lampedusa, considered “unprecedented.” The EU has a plan. The consensus to carry it out is another story.

Writers, writers: the latest “literary controversy” arises from a question: who passes the broom at home between sentences? The unequal distribution of these daily tasks between them and their consequences are now put on the table.

Obesity enriches. The Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk is already the most valuable firm in Europe by market capitalization. Your magic recipe? A weight loss drug promoted by very famous consumers. She is called a role model.

Barcelona has prohibited – by a 2009 law – happy hours in order to put a stop to the unbridled consumption of alcohol. So a pioneering measure, neither sanctions nor surveillance can eradicate them. The rebels abound. It’s time to learn, get started.

Walter Isaacson, writer and journalist, biographer of Elon Musk. “Musk, since he was a child, has had the complex of being almost a superhero.” Read it here.

Alderney is an island off the French coast, part of the United Kingdom and the only British territory occupied by the Nazis during World War II. London evacuated the island instead of defending it and even today they tiptoe around it. It still affects.

At what point should forgetfulness and oversights that are attributed to age cause concern? The answer is known: as you age it is normal to concentrate less, but there are signs that indicate more serious issues. To avoid misunderstandings, what matters is explained here.

What empires. The Russian invasion of Ukraine may lead some to dust off old world maps to try to guess if the changes seen in the world today have something to do with that imperial world of the 19th century. There are details that surprise.

Amador Guallar, war reporter, photographer and writer. “I have given my life to war reporting: I have renounced everything.” Read it here.