The salmonellosis outbreak at the Casa Dani restaurant that affected more than a hundred diners could not be due to the state of the eggs or the kitchen. The workers could be the origin of the poisoning due to carrying the bacteria without knowing it, explained Vozpópuli, who says he has contacted sources from Madrid Salud involved in the investigation.

Despite this first hypothesis, the Madrid restaurant with more than three decades of history has kept its premises closed since January 30, and they will continue to do so until the owners draw up a self-control protocol that incorporates the indications of the body dependent on the Madrid City Council.

When the investigation is finished, Madrid Salud will start the relevant file, which does not have to end with a sanction, municipal sources reportedly told the same outlet.

The salmonellosis infections occurred on January 25 and 26, with more than 100 poisoned and some hospitalizations.

As a result of this outbreak, a diner had to be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital center due to worsening symptoms, but he was finally transferred to the ward and evolved favorably.

“Since the opening of Casa Dani, and throughout these 32 years, the control guidelines and requirements set by the Ministry of Health have always been scrupulously followed, and the controls required by the authorities of all our products have been carried out,” said the restaurant owners in full outbreak.

In 1991, Daniel García and Dolores Cuerda opened Casa Dani, a traditional eatery with a ‘delivery’ option known for its famous tortilla de patatas. Since then they have taken several awards at regional and national level.

The Casa Dani salmonellosis outbreak put the debate on how the tortilla should be cooked once again on the table. Eggs are one of the foods most prone to this bacterium, which is why food safety experts recommend cooking them at temperatures above 75 °C to kill them. If the yolk is not cooked, we know for sure that the appropriate degrees have not been reached.

In fact, the law only allows restaurants to use eggs in their preparations if they are cooked to this temperature, a rule that is not always respected.