Having any pet carries a great responsibility, but this is even greater in the case of dogs considered potentially dangerous. Although the dangerousness of a dog will be determined by its socialization and education, it is true that some breeds have physical characteristics that give them a greater capacity to inflict serious damage or even death in the event of an attack.

Among potentially dangerous dogs, we find the American pit bull terrier. If you are thinking of adopting or acquiring a specimen of this breed, you should know that it brings with it specific needs that you must meet so that its ownership is legal, responsible and ensures maximum well-being for the dog.

Spanish legislation requires that you obtain a license that certifies you to own a potentially dangerous dog, which is obtained after an examination and a psychological test. Once obtained, you will be the only person who can walk your pitbull. In addition, it is necessary to have civil liability insurance that covers both personal and material damage that your four-legged friend may cause.

If you’ve never had a dog before, a pit bull may not be a good idea as a first pet. These dogs need a lot of affection and that you spend time with them, and it is also imperative that you educate and socialize them properly, so that they know how to behave, obey and relate to their environment, with other people and other animals.

If you do not have knowledge about dog training, do not hesitate to enlist the help of an ethologist or trainer. Being a dog with so much physical power, it is important that you know how to control it, that the dog obeys you and that you be its leader and not the other way around. It is not that they are animals prone to conflicts, but their character will depend on the education they receive.

Pitbulls are high-energy dogs, so you have to have the time and desire to give them the physical exercise they need. It requires at least three walks a day, as well as games and exercises that keep it physically and mentally stimulated. If you don’t spend your energy, get bored, or feel stressed, that’s when behavioral problems could appear.

The nutritional needs of pit bulls are very specific, so you must offer them quality food that meets them. Additionally, as with all dogs, you should regularly take them to the vet for vaccinations, deworming and regular check-ups.

Keep in mind that his maintenance, veterinary consultations and treatments, as well as the price of insurance and other care he will need – such as his bed, harness, toys… – represent a considerable investment of money. Think carefully about whether you meet the appropriate requirements to take care of the pitbull as it deserves.