Thubten Wanchen, a Tibetan Buddhist monk, wanted to share his wisdom about meditation in a net magazine on Judith Tiral’s podcast. In his speech, the monk highlighted the importance of not trying to leave the mind blank during meditation, since he considers that this approach is not useful: “Leaving the mind blank for what? When we die it will already be blank.”

The monk wanted to emphasize throughout the interview the need for the mind to think about something positive during meditation, both for oneself and for others. According to Thubten Wanchen, trying to achieve a blank state of mind can be difficult due to outside noise, such as traffic and other distractions. Instead, he suggested focusing on breathing as a way to calm the mind and let go of external discomforts: “The mind should only think about breathing: outside, inside… And you will forget those discomforts from the street in a few minutes.” minutes”.

The monk also stressed the importance of cultivating positive thoughts during meditation, since getting angry hinders the ability to think kind or loving things for oneself and others. Furthermore, he noted that patience is fundamental in the practice of meditation, although he observed that in the West this virtue is often lacking: “You have to have patience and in the West there is no patience.”

Thubten Wanchen’s words offer a valuable perspective on meditation and mind management during this process, and it seems to have resonated with the audience because the clip they uploaded to TikTok has gotten more than 300,000 views in less than 24 hours. .