The singer and actress Selena Gómez is one of the most special and charismatic personalities in the current media ecosystem, very sensitive and always responding very gratefully to her fans, who follow her unconditionally despite her seasons out of the spotlight.

The artist’s last great moment has been on TikTok, where she has uploaded a fun video that has served as a response to all those who associate her with other celebrities: “I’m single!”, she screams in the clip while watching a soccer game .

Selena Gómez is sitting watching the match with some blankets and encourages the players like this, in addition to ironically clarifying what she would offer them as a girlfriend: “I am somewhat expensive to maintain, but I will love you very much!”, she assures from afar.

And it is that the artist had been related by rumors with Drew Taggart (The Chainsmokers) and Zayn Malik (former member of One Direction), but from what she shouts from the four winds, she is still totally free of commitment.

The title of TikTok is “The struggle man lol”, something that suggests an expensive situation, but at the same time making fun of it, probably referring to the weight of many media that link it to some romance that it is tired of denying.

The video has been highly applauded by her followers, where they call her “conqueror”, “queen” or directly declare their unconditional love for her: “I love you so much”, something that apparently she is also willing to return.