The director of the Grec, Cesc Casadesús, recognised, in the presentation of the program of the Ciutat de Barcelona scholarships, that “it is not easy to carry out new theater projects”. The pandemic has changed many things, such as, two years ago, the Ciutat de Barcelona awards became grants to help creation. There have been 42 and now a dozen are coming to the Grec materialized in shows in theaters that are also centers of creation.

At the Espai Lliure, Atresbandes will present Aspecte global d’una qüestió, with Miquel Segovia: “We look for the tragedy in the most absolute daily life”. At the CCCB, Grandissima illusione, by Cris Blanco, will be seen. They are two projects that have had to reduce their scenographic expectations. “La Grandissima illusione became piccola, but now it is once again grandissima thanks to the imagination of the spectators”, says Casadesús.

La Virgueria questions mainstream music and “sexualization, racism, machismo and the cult of wealth of music videos” in El missioner, with Isis Martín and Aleix Fauró, which will be presented at the Center de les Arts Lliures, where also will see The Bones of Montaigne, by Glòria Balañà Altimira. Alicia González Reyero’s mother told him that she did things “in silence”, and that’s where her eponymous show was born, which she will present at the CCCB.

In Tantarantana, the group Que no Salga de Aquí will carry the success of Tàrrega Hermafrodites on horseback or the rebellion of desire, on “binary anatomies that do not fit in the drawers man-woman,” says Raquel Loscos. And Desbordes, by Amaranta Velarde, will be seen in La Caldera.

Catalan version, here