The Judicial Police of the Civil Guard maintain an open investigation to clarify the death of a user of the Serón senior residence (Almería) during the afternoon of this Tuesday after, according to the first indications, he fell down the elevator shaft of the property.

The events would have taken place around 4:00 p.m. in the residential center located on Doctor Francisco Rodríguez Street in the town, when the user, with certain visibility problems and who was traveling in a wheelchair, would have accessed the elevator he was using. as usual and would have fallen through the hole, several meters high.

Sources from the center, owned and managed by the municipality and in agreement with the Government of Andalusia, have explained that it was the residence staff themselves who initially went to the scene of the incident when they heard the noise that was produced during the incident. the fall of the man, who was known for being “very active” and “collaborative” in the social life of the establishment.

At the moment, the causes of the accident remain under police investigation, although the main hypothesis is a possible failure of the elevator, which remains sealed by the Civil Guard.

The device, as indicated by the residential center, had recently passed the relevant controls, both its monthly inspection and the biannual inspection required by the Ministry of Industry.

From the residential center for the elderly they have regretted the death of this user and have expressed their dismay and sadness at the events, as has the mayor of the town, Manuel Martínez Domene, who has conveyed the “deepest pain” and “concern” of the corporation for these events.

The first Seronese mayor has declined to comment on this “sad and unfortunate incident”, of a “very serious” nature, for “the good of the residents, families and workers”, at least until the ongoing judicial investigation and The investigation opened by the City Council itself advances and allows us to clarify what happened to communicate it “with total transparency.”