Karlos Arguiñano returns to the fray with a complete menu: porra antequerana and cod with peppers, one of his favorite fish. The first is a fresh recipe for these days of “unusual heat”, a cold soup typical of this Malaga city also known locally as porra fria or porra crúa.

The preparation of this dish is very simple. First, take out the crumb and put it in a bowl with water. Meanwhile, the eggs are cooked, while the tomatoes and peppers are prepared.

“No cooking is necessary. We put everything in the grinder and that’s it. Then, I add chopped garlic and breadcrumbs. Lastly, the salt, a splash of vinegar and a splash of oil. When everything is ready, directly into the refrigerator and let it cool,” explains the cook. To top it off, it is decorated with eggs and some tuna flakes.

To close the menu for this Tuesday, October 10, Karlos Arguiñano has prepared some cod loins with peppers. “I love this product. I eat it at least once every 15 days,” he revealed in Cocina Abierta on Antena 3.

Despite being the main dish, it is an equally simple preparation. First, pour a generous splash of oil into a saucepan. Sauté all the vegetables there for 20 minutes over low heat. In another container, add the cod loins after coating them in flour. When it is golden, remove it and serve it. Simple, fast and ready, says the popular chef on Antena 3.