The mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, suffered dizziness this Tuesday while answering questions from journalists during a press conference at the Canadian city’s City Hall.

Plante was answering a question about the homeless situation in Montreal when he suddenly stopped talking for several seconds before gradually falling to the ground without losing consciousness.

Valérie Plante was quickly attended to by her staff, who asked the journalists to stop recording. They then called an ambulance to treat Plante, but they were unable to take her to the hospital.

The mayor herself wrote yesterday afternoon through her X account (formerly Twitter) that she was better and thanked everyone for the words of encouragement and support she has received in recent hours. “I was able to meet with a medical team and I am fine. However, as a preventative measure and to fully recover, I will have to reduce the pace of my activities in the coming days,” she said. In fact, the mayor was absent from a meeting she had that same afternoon.

“The mayor of Montreal suffered dizziness during a press conference and, fortunately, she is out of danger. She will receive all the medical attention she needs and thanks you for your support,” one of her followers announced hours before, on the same social network. assistants.

The mayor received numerous expressions of support wishing her a speedy recovery. In particular, that of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, the Minister of Municipal Affairs of Quebec, Andrée Laforest, the leader of the opposition in the city council, Aref Salem, among other political officials, as well as many other citizens.