Mickey Mouse accompanied by his girlfriend Minnie, appears in society for the first time in Plane Crazy, a short film directed by Walt Diseny and UB lwerks, which originally produced as a silent film, will be released again in a sound version in March 1929, the fourth Mickey movie to be released after Steamboat Willie, The Gallopin’ Gaucho and The Barn Dance.

Disney had devised the creation of a daily comic strip starring Mickey and his friends, to reach a much wider audience.

In Spain, it would be La Vanguardia who would take care of it although it would take almost four years to achieve it.

That would bring the mouse to our country with exclusive rights.

Thus, from 1934 until the Civil War, our pages published daily and uninterruptedly the cartoons of Mickey Mouse under the title ‘Adventures of Miguelín Mouse’ for 28 and a half months, right until the day of the military uprising that would trigger the Spanish Civil War, the July 17, 1936.

Twelve complete comics with a different number of installments each, plus the chapter entitled “A dangerous mission” that was interrupted in issue 35 without, unfortunately, the outcome being able to be published.