Every day, numerous recklessnesses are seen on Spanish roads. Among the most common: using the mobile phone when driving, not wearing the seat belt, driving in the opposite direction to that indicated or overtaking without the appropriate safety distance. Any of them can end in an accident and even fatalities.

Despite warnings from authorities such as the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), some drivers are repeat offenders, without taking into account the danger that they and other users face.

That was the case of two drivers who got stung in the middle of the highway. Overtaking took place, without any safety distance and ignoring the rest of the drivers on the M40 in Madrid.

In a video of more than two minutes, published on

They overtake several times in a reckless manner and the recklessness ends in an accident, with both cars in the middle of the road, hindering traffic, although it seems that there are no serious injuries or fatalities to be regretted.

“His head was in a parallel world,” comments one of the users of this social network. “This type of criminal and highly dangerous behavior must be punished very harshly and even more knowing the identity of those involved: example: 5 or 6 years of driving license, 10,000 euros fine and you will see how the example spreads,” adds another.