“The majestic Rosalía eating a few pieces today at Bendito Pecado.” This is how the workers of this pastry shop in Barcelona were happy for the visit of one of the most internationally successful Spanish singers just a year ago. The San Esteban Sasroviras has succumbed to the creations of this small establishment on Carrer del Comerç, a business that relies on Venezuelan products to prepare delicious snacks, both sweet and savory.

It is now that TikTok’s most foodie influencer, @edurnyx, has decided to try the dishes of this Latin bakery in front of her more than 1 million followers. In a video published this week on the popular social network, which has already accumulated more than 162,000 likes, Edurnyx does not hesitate to take a good bite of the TUYA interpreter’s favorite pieces, a kind of croissant filled with ham and a lot of cheese . Each unit costs less than three euros!

Another of the stars of Bendito Pecado’s menu are the traditional Venezuelan style arepas. Specifically, the influencer has dared to create an arepa sifrina filled with chicken, cheese, avocado and mayonnaise, an ingredient that, let’s remember, Rosalía loves to the point of always carrying a couple of envelopes in her bag.

The tiktoker has completed her gastronomic review by tasting tequeñones, little fingers of Latin cheese, whose dough can be made of corn or banana. There is also room for the mini slices of ham and cheese—which are nothing mini—or the natural passion fruit and guava juices. The sweet culmination of her visit was provided by the Venezuelan golfers and what she considers to be the best cinnamon rolls in Barcelona.

In addition to the bakery, Bendito Pecado also has a restaurant on Princesa Street in Barcelona. Its extensive menu offers other Latin delicacies such as fried sea bream with salad, cheese, avocado and tostones, that is, fried green plantains. Among its meats, the entrecôte with rice, potatoes and slices stands out, which is the name given to the plantains that are fried when they are ripe.

The banana is undoubtedly one of the star ingredients of the restaurant. Patacones are fried plantains that you can try with ham and cheese toppings, shredded chicken or Creole chorizo, among others. Finally, the cachapas, corn pancakes that can be filled with cheese, ham, avocado, beans or shredded meat, also stand out.