The singer Gisela is living one of the most beautiful moments of her life. Last Saturday, March 30, the 45-year-old former Operación Triunfo contestant welcomed Indiana’s first child, the result of her marriage to photographer José Ortega. A news that they announced with great joy through their social networks.

Welcome Indiana Lladó Ortega!!! We have been waiting for you for so long that we can’t believe it… You are our dream come true!!”, wrote the artist along with a tender image in which we could see the hands of the three family members.

However, the path to meeting little Indiana has been more complicated than expected. And the singer has had to face various health setbacks related to the kidney in the last nine months. A complicated situation that caused the artist to be admitted to hospital on two occasions.

”The baby is fine and is still inside the tummy… it is my kidney that led me to re-enter… but for now everything is under control… I am in the best hands,” he said last February. Now, just as she is about to complete Indiana’s first week of life, Gisela has left the hospital again after undergoing a new intervention to finally get rid of the kidney stones that had caused her so many problems.

After this health setback, the singer will be able to focus on her new role as a new mother and begin one of the most beautiful stages of motherhood. However, Gisela wanted to take advantage of her departure from the hospital to respond bluntly to all the negative comments that she has been receiving for months. She did it through Instagram stories with a clear and concise message.

”No one can know or even imagine everything I have gone through to get here… in general in my life and especially in my motherhood… so at this moment I can only say that nothing and no one is going to be able to overshadow in the slightest the happiness that I am feeling and experiencing having finally been able to see my baby’s face…” he began by saying

”Perhaps someone has the key to the future… someone knows when we are going to leave this world… be happy, be happy for the happiness of others and live and let live!!! Happy weekend!” the artist concluded.