Àngel Llàcer is going through a difficult time of health. The renowned jury of ‘Tu Cara Me Suena’ was forced to be absent from the program due to health complications that took him to the hospital.

In mid-April, Llàcer was admitted for bacteria contracted during his trip to Vietnam. Although he was discharged, his condition deteriorated again a few weeks later, requiring further hospitalizations that have caused concern among his fans, friends and family.

Recent reports have revealed that Àngel Llàcer has undergone multiple medical interventions, although fortunately his situation is stabilizing favorably.

Miquel Valls, in ‘Espejo Público’, shared details about the evolution of the communicator’s health, pointing out his current stability after a critical period.

The medical team has highlighted the seriousness of the shigella bacteria, responsible for Llàcer’s disease, which can cause severe complications such as sepsis.

However, experts assure that the comedian will not suffer permanent consequences. This news has generated widespread relief in the Antena 3 program environment, who have sent messages of support to his colleague during his recovery.