Kate Middleton has made a lot of headlines in recent weeks. It was in the middle of last January when the crown announced that the Princess of Wales had undergone surgery for an abdominal ailment. Since then, the whereabouts of Prince William’s wife has been a mystery, and the secrecy surrounding this issue has generated a lot of rumors about what could really be happening. In the midst of this whirlwind of information, In Touch Weekly magazine has revealed that Middleton will not reappear to give explanations for a particular reason.

As we said, the last week has been marked by speculation about the whereabouts of Kate Middleton. Theories about this absence increased since the official profile of the Princes of Wales shared an image of Kate in which the abuse of editing programs could be detected. Furthermore, the latest images of the princess captured in a car have raised suspicions for being false. That is why social networks have been filled with theories about what could actually happen: from a significant complication in her health, to a possible divorce process.

The theory that has gained the most strength is that Middleton’s health would have been seriously compromised after the abdominal operation she underwent two months ago. There are many who wonder why there is such secrecy on the part of royalty, and are waiting for an explanation of the facts. However, the aforementioned media assures that Middleton will not reappear giving an explanation. “She will not even record a video message addressed to the public to thank them for her good wishes because the reaction would be massive shock and concern about her appearance,” notes the aforementioned media.

The information contrasts with that published this Sunday by The Times. According to the aforementioned media, Kate plans to give details about her state of health, and she will do so on April 17, the date on which they assure that she will return to the public sphere. It must be remembered that when the abdominal surgery was announced, Casa Real already specified that Kate was going to stay away from her public duties until after Easter. Therefore, we will have to wait to find out if it will be Kate herself who will explain herself after the great media stir.

A source close to the couple defends to The Times that the princes of Wales have acted as they announced they would act. “What’s happening is exactly what they said would happen: she would spend two weeks in the hospital and return after Easter. So what if she hasn’t been pushed to wave from the back of a car? She’s not a pony exhibition,” says the couple’s friend to the British media.