* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

The pool or gorg of Can Bosc is small, but it has a special charm, as can be seen in this image in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia. It is located in the stream of Vallcàrquera, which belongs to the municipality of Figaró-Montmany, one of the towns of the valley of the river Congost in the region of Vallès Oriental.

This valley is a territory of humid Mediterranean character where the vegetation is basically coastal and mountain oaks.

Even so, the accentuated relief and geological diversity of the municipality, together with the various permanent water courses, have made Figaró one of the municipalities with the most remarkable diversity of plant communities in Vallès.

The pool is a bucolic and magical place that transmits a lot of peace, ideal for meditating, reflecting and finding yourself.

It is located specifically in the stream of Vallcàrquera, which rises at the foot of the Turó del Tagamanent (1,056 m), to the east of the Montseny Natural Park, within the so-called ruta de los árboles, ideal to treat yourself to a forest bath in this place so special