Atresbandes, the resident company of Teatre Lliure, after La guerra dels mons and Aspecte global d’una question, premieres Desert, tomorrow in Gràcia. “We had a certain mental fatigue and that’s why Desert was born – says Albert Pérez Hidalgo-. Mònica Almirall’s python told her that for the next three years she had to cross the desert”.

And Admiral answers: “I have never been there, and I was very lazy and afraid, but I saw that the imagination of the desert was very powerful for some people. That’s why we decided to do this crossing in an artistic way, and that’s why we took four external people, so that we didn’t do it ourselves”. The performers are Rubén Ametllé, Nicolás Carbajal, Marina Rodríguez and Amaranta Velarde.

The third member of Atresbandes, Miquel Segovia, adds: “Initially, this crossing is not pleasant and is surrounded by silence, where listening to oneself searches in the past and in the present”.

Sound is the true protagonist of Desert, “which allows you to hear humanity in all phases, eras and states”, they explain. “There are more pleasant and more unpleasant sounds, which take you to a crowded or more intimate place. The sound journey is the backbone of the whole piece”, they conclude.

The director of Teatre Lliure, Juan Carlos Martel, defines Desert, which is the last production presented this season in its rooms, as “archaeology of sound”.