In the future, aid in emergency situations or natural disasters could arrive from the sky through the huge airships. At least this is the project which is researching the mysterious society Lta Research and Exploration of the founder of Google Sergey Brin. The goal is to be able to reach in the shortest possible time the broken places with humanitarian aid and bring you just as quickly as the people in danger. An activity that should then focus especially in the most disadvantaged in the world, with the possibility of also cross an ocean. According to the little information available about the project, the work would be focused on an airship in a 1.5-megawatt powered thanks to hydrogen. An absolute record since at the time the most powerful aircraft with fuel cells of this kind is the small airplane ZeroAvio launched at the end of last year, and has a 0.25 megawatts of power. The same Lta, in reality, is already working on a first prototype of the airship renamed as the Pathfinder-1 can carry up to 14 people on board. But the inclusion of the hydrogen system, made by another external company, you will only be here a few years

the Merits and demerits of hydrogen

These particular fuel cells use hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, capable of powering the aircraft. From the one hand to guarantee an autonomy that is significantly greater than other forms of batteries, such as those of lithium, offering potentially also a cost savings in addition to a zero environmental impact. But at the same time forced to deal with other difficulties. In the first place, the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen creates as waste products, a significant amount of water to store and heat to disperse in the correct manner. But, the most complicated aspect to be solved remains the transport board in the safety of hydrogen, a highly flammable. Suffice it to recall the disaster of the airship Hindeburg, the biggest flying object ever built in the history that used the hydrogen to rise into the sky. A little more than a year, the inaugural flight took place in 1936, the airship went literally on fire during an operation of the landing.