Vice President Harris stated Tuesday that those who support abortion rights must stand together and channel their disappointments into political action before the November 2022 midterm elections.

Harris stated that “We must stand together in the fight, right aEUR”, those of us who understand the stakes,” Harris said in an interview with Asma Khalid, NPR White House correspondent.

“It is profound in terms of where [the] decision takes us back. We have a 23-year-old daughter who is going to know fewer rights than my 80-something-year-old mother-in law,” Harris said.

Khalid asked Harris about how Democrats, especially young Democrats, have become disillusioned by the decision.

Harris stated that Harris believed everyone felt a great loss when the decision was made. “That’s real. “I don’t deny anyone how they feel right now. “I know what I feel right now.”

While she acknowledged that the Biden administration had made significant progress in addressing Democratic priorities, she also said that the White House still had much to do. She encouraged supporters to stay united in the fight ahead.

Harris stated that Harris was the only one who can see the seriousness of the moment and its real consequences for millions of women and their loved ones around the country. Harris said, “Now we have to ask ourselves: What can we do?”

Harris stated that Congress must pass a law to codify abortion rights “aEUR”, something that would require huge wins in the expectedly tough November race.

She said that “we cannot underestimate the importance of the upcoming election and the need to have all people who are concerned about this issue understand that we must have a prochoice Congress to passage this law,” referring to Senate races in Georgia and North Carolina, and Colorado in particular.

Harris acknowledged that some rights, including contraception and same-sex marriage, could be at risk due to the Supreme Court decision but did not say that Senate Democratic leadership should pass legislation to codify these rights federally.

She stated, “I believe this is an opportunity for coalition-building – an opportunity bring under one roof all of the people who understand what’s happening right now.”

It’s interesting to see how these circles overlap if you look at it as a Venn Diagram.

Harris did not discuss the possibility of term limits for Supreme Court justices. President Biden has made it clear that he does not support expanding the court. She stated that she believes we must win the midterms.

Harris has not been tasked with resolving every difficult issue since her election. Harris’ first task was to find solutions to the root causes of migration from the U.S. south border. Khalid asked Harris about Monday’s tragic news that 50 people had died in a trailer truck in San Antonio.

Harris stated that the tragedy should inspire change but also pointed out that political leaders must act “aEUR” and that Congress has not taken action on immigration reforms because they are playing political games.