Dutch exporter Edwin van der Sar, Ajax’s resigned general manager, is hospitalized in intensive care after suffering a brain hemorrhage in Croatia, the Amsterdam club announced on Friday, assuring that the former footballer’s current condition is “stable”.

In a brief message, the Dutch club announced that Van der Sar “had a brain haemorrhage this Friday and is currently in hospital, in an intensive care unit and is in stable condition.”

This Saturday at noon, the Dutch club has reported on the current state of health of Van der Sar, who is still in the UCI, “stable”, but his condition is still “worrying”.

Van der Sar, 53, was on vacation on a Croatian island when the brain hemorrhage occurred, and was immediately taken by helicopter to a hospital on Friday afternoon.

The Dutch exporter resigned at the end of May as general director of Ajax, assuring that he was “exhausted, after almost eleven years in management”, although the club formally asked him to stay until August 1 to carry out the transfer of appropriate form.

“Now I need to distance myself, relax and do other things,” he said then, just before his trip to Croatia where he was looking to rest.

As a goalkeeper, Van der Sar amassed numerous awards with Ajax, Juventus, Fulham and Manchester United, and after his career on the pitch, he returned to Ajax in January 2013 as manager, and was promoted to general manager in November 2016.