Today Barcelona City Council presented the special device for this summer, which will involve more active services throughout the city with more staff, almost 600 people in the different municipal devices, and a specific reinforcement in the coastal area, where more diversities come together. of uses, a greater influx of people and where this year the activities of the 37th edition of the America’s Cup are held. 

The municipal device is part of the Endreça plan in a city that will have more than 200 activities this summer between popular festivals, sporting and cultural events.

The Barcelona Urban Guard will launch a specific device to ensure the proper functioning of mobility, coexistence, civility and security. The local police service will be reinforced with an increase of 200 officers per day.

The main objective of these agents will be to control the most saturated spaces and correct and report infractions related to uncivil actions, such as the control of alcohol and narcotic substance consumption. Likewise, the Urban Guard has express orders to act to reduce noise pollution, noise generated by public venues or their clients and the use of musical instruments on public roads. The nighttime mediation service in leisure environments with a structural nature is also reinforced on the nights of Thursday to Saturday between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.

On the other hand, the campaign La millor nit és la que no t’aixeca will be launched, focused on the prevention of noise in nightlife. Within the framework of this campaign, compliance with the regulations regarding noise pollution by the activities will be verified and information and awareness-raising tasks will also be carried out with 40 people who will focus on the users and also on the property or managers of the facilities. spaces. These performances will take place on the nights of Thursday to Saturday at night between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

The Urban Guard agents will also pay special attention to closing times, control of terraces and nightstands, possible excess capacity and inconvenience caused by the premises and, if appropriate, administrative inspections will be carried out. In addition, they will try to control the nuisances related to tourist homes and establishments that sell alcoholic beverages.

Joint work is planned with the Mossos d’Esquadra to prevent the commission of criminal offenses, especially thefts, violent robberies and assaults. In addition, a broad device will be deployed to prevent sexist violence in the city by reinforcing and increasing the number of safe routes. And the lilac points will be reinforced in areas with a high influx of people, both day and night, establishing specific devices during the celebration of festivals such as the Sant Joan and La Mercè festival and the major festivals of the city’s neighborhoods.

City cleaning and waste collection services also increase between May and the end of October. In total it will be reinforced with 85 more work teams throughout the city and 288 people working, which are added to the usual teams.

The reinforcement will be carried out in the following services: increased cleaning with water, especially on the main roads of the city and commercial axes; more emptying of bins in areas with high influx of people; more cleaning in the parks and gardens in the afternoon shift; increase in weed removal service; manual cleaning of the beaches in three shifts and mechanical sieving of the sand in the night shift and increased cleaning with water in the coastal area.

Sea water will be used to clean and sift the sand on the beaches. Irrigation of the beaches improves the sieving action and at the same time prevents the generation of suspended dust during the action. This summer, three small tractors with sieves will be incorporated into the sand cleaning service, which will allow sand to be cleaned in spaces close to beach furniture, where the sieve cannot be accessed.

To contribute to the maintenance of the cleanliness of the public space, Ciutat Vella, which concentrates a large influx of people during the summer, reinforces the network of public urinals in the street with three new public toilets, automatic and self-cleaning, that have been installed in the Barceloneta neighborhood: in the Poeta Boscà square with Calle Sant Carles; in Paseo Joan de Borbó with Plaza del Mar, and in Paseo Marítimo de la Barceloneta with Calle Atlàntida/Calle Emilia Llorca Martin.

The new cabins are added to the network of public toilets offered in the Ciutat Vella district, which now has 37 fixed points and which will reach 44 with reinforcement during the summer months.

During the summer period, the entire graffiti cleaning device on streets, facades and other elements of public roads will be maintained. The 36 operational brigades will continue with the cleaning of graffiti in public spaces, which apart from removing graffiti on facades, pay special attention to other elements of furniture to avoid degradation.

An increase in the frequency of removal of bulky waste abandoned on public roads will continue throughout the summer. Likewise, the frequency of cleaning the exterior of the containers is doubled, which becomes weekly, and also the interior of the containers, which in the case of the organic and reject fractions is also done once a week.

All services on the city’s beaches will be launched with the schedules and numbers corresponding to the high season starting this Saturday. And for the first time, coinciding with the celebration of the America’s Cup sailing, they will last until the end of October on the beaches of Bogatell, Nova Icària, Somorrostro, Barceloneta and San Sebastià.

The rescue and lifeguard service has 54 lifeguards in the 21 watchtowers on the beaches, which carry out surveillance, information, assistance, rescue and evacuation tasks for bathers.

The assisted bathing service will operate with three service points on the beaches of Sant Miquel, Nova Icària and the Fòrum bathing area, which have the basic accessibility infrastructure, equipment and specialized technical personnel.

The cleaning of the sea surface will be daily between June 1 and October 27, with the cleaning of floating waste from the surface of the coastal waters with the Ona Safe boats, two in the morning shift and two in the afternoon shift . Much waste arrives breaking on the breakwaters, where boats cannot access. Therefore, coinciding with the high bathing season, reinforcement begins with a manual cleaning brigade working from the sand.

The beaches also have a service with 24 information people on the sand from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. And the Beach Unit of the Urban Police, made up of more than 100 agents, is deployed until the end of October. It carries out patrols on the ten beaches that make up the seafront of Barcelona and focuses specifically on preventing and acting on all those phenomena that occur on the Barcelona coast and developing the corresponding strategies to deal with them.

The police members of this group patrol on foot, with scooters, with four-wheeled vehicles, on bicycles, with “quad” type vehicles specially adapted to circulate on the sand and with two semi-rigid boats that allow improving surveillance and control tasks both from the beach as well as the breakwaters.

In mid-April the Civil Protection, Prevention, Fire Extinction and Rescue Service (SPCPEIS) launched the forestry pre-campaign in the Collserola mountain range and preventive tasks are being carried out in this environment in order to avoid fires during the months of more temperature in the city. The teams are deployed across the surface of the park that belongs to the city and is distributed between the districts of Les Corts, Sarrià – Sant Gervasi, Horta-Guinardó, Nou Barris and Gràcia.

Throughout the year, forest fire prevention information sessions have also been held in the different districts of the city, especially in those territories considered mountainous, where practical recommendations are offered on how to prevent forest fires and how to take care of home environments. , as well as advice on what to do if a fire breaks out near home.

In mid-May, the Vallvidrera park came into operation in order to obtain quick access to the forest area, acting with less response time in the event of a fire. This year the number of vehicles and troops assigned to this park is reinforced in order to improve its response and preventive task.

The SPCPEIS keeps its device activated on the city’s coastline and the members of the Barcelona Firefighters’ Aquatic Rescue Group who will ensure that the risk to people, property and the environment in this area is minimized. The Barcelona Firefighters’ device in the coastal area is especially oriented towards rapid intervention in the bathing area, the 200-meter stretch of beach, in the port area and in the 50 meters of municipal coastline (breakwaters and risk) and also provide rapid collaboration at the request of other maritime intervention bodies.

During the summer, the Barcelona Public Health Agency consolidates the reinforcement of murine surveillance through the Pest Surveillance and Control Service (SVIPLA). With regard to mosquitoes, from April to November, SVIPLA also intensifies continuous surveillance of risk elements for the proliferation of these insects in public spaces in the city and applies appropriate control measures if activity is detected.

On the other hand, the A casa teva, fem tiger mosquito prevention campaign will be carried out, aimed at reducing tiger mosquito breeding sites on private properties. To carry out these visits, the ASPB has trained 7 people from the Barcelona Activa employment plan. It is expected to make about 400 visits.

With regard to the maintenance of urban greenery, during the summer the reinforcement of the service is maintained to be able to maintain irrigation operations adapted to the current drought situation and to be able to carry out the maintenance and arrangement of the city’s green spaces, which They are widely used during the summer months.

Barcelona City Council will also launch care devices for people in situations of high temperatures. On the one hand, climate shelters will be activated, spaces open to citizens so that they can cope with high temperatures. On the other hand, the Barcelona Emergency and Social Emergencies Center (CUESB) will act for another year as a reference for social care in case the rise in temperatures forces the heat wave alert to be raised.

During the summer, a total of 70 civic agents will work to promote the good use of public spaces and ensure coexistence. They will work in areas such as the Gòtic neighborhood and Barceloneta, surroundings of Sagrada Família and Sant Antoni market, Montjuïc park, Colonia Castells park, Gràcia squares and the itinerary of the stairs of the Descent of Glòria, the Trinitat Vella or Rambla Prim, among other spaces.

The civic agent service has started a new campaign to reinforce the lines of work of the Endreça plan and has increased the tasks aimed at detecting bad practices in the management of waste on public roads. The objective is to work in those points of the public space where garbage accumulates or there is abandoned waste, as well as to identify and prevent bad practices between citizens and businesses.

Civic agents will place special emphasis on detecting waste outside containers, garbage bags in bins and incorrect use of selective collection. They will also ensure that the day and time for collecting furniture and cleaning up dog excrement and pee are respected.

In businesses, teams of civic agents will ensure that the commercial collection schedules for cardboard waste are met and that they are tied or together in front of the establishment. Likewise, they will pay attention to the abandonment of commercial waste outside the containers.

Barcelona City Council, through Barcelona Activa, is launching this year 329 Comprehensive Contracted Projects (PICs) linked to the Endreça plan and focused on improving the maintenance and cleaning of public spaces. The PICs offer unemployed people who have more difficulties finding work the possibility of working for a minimum of six months in an inclusive hiring occupational project.

The programs linked to the Endreça plan have two objectives: maintenance and improvement of public space and promotion of civility and coexistence. These contracts allow us to reinforce the municipal brigades and achieve notable results in the maintenance of public spaces. 127 places have already been activated and the rest will be launched starting in July.