When thinking about interior decoration, it is usually linked to a sophisticated and elaborate idea, as well as expensive elements and furniture. However, nothing could be further from the truth, there are different styles, ideas and decoration trends that can easily adapt to more than conventional spaces in the home and for all types of budgets. It won’t take much to make big changes that completely change the appearance of a room. A good example of this are shelves.

It is undeniable that the main function of shelves is to organize and store. However, we often tend to lose sight of its aesthetic qualities. That is to say, many people fall into these types of shelves full of books or all kinds of objects, some stuck to each other and arranged in any way. A result of accumulation that, however, has a remedy.

We must not forget that the shelves must be functional, but also decorative. At least if you want to get the most out of it and enjoy a balanced and harmonious stay. Therefore, the first rule of a shelf will be not to overload it with objects, otherwise, that unflattering block effect will be generated, especially in rooms that are not spacious, since it will make them look even smaller.

A very effective trick for decorating a shelf is to follow the rule of three, which has to do with creating groups of three objects that fit well together. In this way, what is achieved is that the shelf is more organized and the result is more decorative, since it will gain free space. And, therefore, the sensation will be lighter. It is not necessary to strictly follow the precept that there should always be three objects, but the idea of ​​grouping elements of the shelf so that it is balanced.

Another very interesting idea has to do with creating layers, or in other words, different lines that place objects in the background or in front. This is another way of not overloading the shelving and, on the contrary, creating very visually interesting spaces. An ideal way to incorporate elements such as frames with photographs, prints and other objects of this type.

And we must not forget the plants, an essential shelf item for many people. Something that is not surprising, since the fresh touch they provide gives an excellent result. It makes the bookshelf more visually interesting. And, furthermore, take advantage of all the advantages and benefits that come with having plants in the home. Another very useful element that you can play with a lot in terms of decoration is lighting, either with lamps or LED strips.