Capsule coffee makers have undoubtedly made our mornings more comfortable. We have gotten rid of washing jugs and filters over and over again, but the truth is that these devices require specific maintenance. Limescale is the main residue that can accumulate in the tanks and in the circuits of the coffee machines, especially if we use cold water. Although it is true that there is always the alternative of mineral water, it is convenient to disassemble and clean our coffee maker regularly to guarantee its durability and prepare the best coffee.

The big brands on the market such as Nespresso, Bosch or Dolce Gusto have specific decalcification systems, although there are also white-label, universal and equally effective solutions. These kits made up of anti-limescale liquids, sachets or soluble tablets are priced between 7 and 15 euros. It is advisable to decalcify our capsule coffee maker at least every three months, although the frequency will vary depending on the use we give it or the hardness of the running water in our area, higher in some regions of eastern Spain such as Aragon, the Balearic Islands or the Region of Murcia.

The products to eradicate limescale are diverse, although the process is similar for each case and it will only take a few minutes.