The acclaimed actress Gwyneth Paltrow visited the Call her Daddy podcast, hosted by Alexandra Cooper, a few days ago. During the interview, the actress talked about endless topics, her career, her personal life… and her ex-partners.

Paltrow can boast of having dated some of the most desirable men on our planet, from famous actors like Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt to high-profile singers like Coldplay frontman Chris Martin.

After a few minutes of introduction and formal conversation, the talk took a turn and they began to talk about affective and sexual relationships and about the great difference between some people and others. It was at this time that Paltrow did not mince words and compared the relationships of two of his exes: the actors Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt, something that sparked controversy on social networks.

Cooper was asking him a series of questions, among which can be highlighted who has the best style and who is more romantic, questions to which he answered that Brad Pitt. When she asked him about who made him laugh the most, who cares more about his appearance and who it was better to have an argument with, the artist did not hesitate and she said Ben Affleck.

Although he answered the above questions very easily, things got complicated when the presenter told him to choose which of the two he kissed better, a question that he finally answered with “both”, without being able to opt for just one.

Instead, the icing on the cake came when the interviewer asked who she preferred on the sexual issue, something that raised many doubts to Paltrow. ”There was a lot of chemistry with Brad, like the love of your life at that time, and then Ben was technically excellent,” she expressed with some embarrassment as the presenter burst into laughter. “I can’t believe my daughters are listening to this,” said the Shakespeare in Love and A Perfect Murder actress.

If it seemed that there couldn’t be a question that would make the guest more nervous, Cooper pressed a little more and asked the actress which of the two artists seemed to her the better actor, professionally speaking.

After some reflection, Paltrow acknowledged Ben Affleck’s great talent as a writer and director, but chose Angelina Jolie’s ex-husband “for best actor” because she believes his career over the years has been more consistent.