Carmen Borrego is delighted with the arrival in the world of her grandson. José María Almoguera, the collaborator’s eldest son, and Paola Olmedo, have been the parents of her first child together. Although this is good news for the family, the tense relationship between Borrego and her son for months could be complicating things.

The daughter of María Teresa Campos suffered a hard blow when she found out from the press that her daughter-in-law was in the La Paz Hospital. However, as she herself clarified in Sálvame, she did have a conversation with José María right after the birth. But if something is clear, it is that Carmen is willing to fix things with her son. To do this, she wanted to share an emotional letter on social networks.

Accompanied by a photograph with her son, Carmen Borrego has dedicated some nice words to her firstborn on her most special day. “Dear son, I am very happy about this important moment in your life, you know that I am very happy about that wonderful child who has come into the world,” the collaborator began to recount.

And if something is certain, it is that Borrego would have loved to go visit his grandson in his first hours of life. Something that has not been able to come true due to the complicated relationship she maintains, not only with his son, but also with his daughter-in-law. Even so, she wanted to break a spear in favor of the couple: “Thank you for sharing it with me and you know that I will always be here. You and your wife have been very generous with me.”

It seems that Carmen Borrego is not sitting well with the information that is emerging in the last hours. Yesterday she wanted to clarify on her program that she has been able to talk to her son, and today she has confirmed it again. “If I write this, it is so that everyone knows that I have been a participant in your joy and that no one thinks that you are not a good son”, the collaborator has clarified in this open letter that she dedicates to José María Almoguera.

“I wish you the best. I love the three of you very much,” he concluded. The arrival into the world of a new member of the Campos family could be the boost they need for mother and son to bury the hatchet and start a new path together.

Carmen Borrego has always been very close to her son. However, some negative comments that the collaborator launched about her daughter-in-law and her mother dynamited the relationship. Some leaked audios of Paola Olmedo criticizing the Campos family did not help the mother and son come closer to positions, but rather the opposite.

“To ask yourself that it is better not to know him so as not to suffer, he is killing me, he is killing me,” Carmen Borrego recounted a few months ago in Sálvame about the birth of her grandson. An uncertainty that little by little seems to be seeing the light, and she herself has pointed it out with the publication of the letter dedicated to her son.