The loss of Francisco Arévalo has been the first negative note on the Spanish art scene in 2024. The comedian, who became a prominent figure in the 80s, died this past Wednesday in his apartment in Valencia, presumably due to a heart attack. judge from sources close to the family. The comedian leaves at 76 years old and leaving a chain of messages and reactions to his farewell, coming from a multitude of characters.

One of the last personalities to speak out has been Fabiola Martínez, who was the partner of one of her closest friends, Bertín Osborne, for 18 years. Reporters from Europa Press have intercepted the Venezuelan woman on the road between the funeral home and the Valencia cemetery, where the artist was buried today. Fabiola justified the words that her former romantic partner dropped in En boca de todos, claiming that she could not attend because of the covid.

“He is sick, he has covid now, but hey, forgive us, we are going to the cemetery,” he insisted from his vehicle. “I have not been able to be there because I am with covid, in bed. I have spoken with Paquito, who is his son, and I have assumed that it is a heart attack. I am almost 90% clear. He was the perfect candidate for a heart attack because he was overweight and he didn’t move, he didn’t do anything. He has taken care of his daughter, Nuria, and has forgotten about himself. “Elena was the one who kept the house standing,” said Osborne.

The singer insisted that he had discussed his friend’s health status a few months before: “For me it has been especially painful because a month ago I had a fight on the phone with him because I am a person who takes care of myself a lot, I play sports. .. But Paco… His turning point in life was the death of Elena, his wife, and there his life fell apart. Paco became 40 or 50 kilos heavier than he should weigh.”

“He didn’t walk because his knees hurt and he told me: ‘Bertín, I just can’t walk.’ And I told him: ‘Of course, you can’t walk because you have 40 kilos too much and you need a wheelchair to move 200 meters.’ I told him everything, that one day something was going to happen to him and he was going to leave his family devastated… You don’t know how much I regret it. I told him that he had to lose weight, that he had to have surgery, that something was going to happen to him… He has taken care of everyone except him,” he insisted.

Back in Valencia, Martínez also highlighted a striking scene that occurred before going to the cemetery: “There was a moment in the mass when the priest tripped and after a silence, we were all in tension when he He stumbled and it was like Lola saying, ‘It was Paco’, which made us break this moment of tension because he always liked to make a joke and get a smile.”