Driving habits and our driving style have a direct effect on the vehicle’s performance, and in the case of electric vehicles, it can help us prolong their range. Northgate’s Green Drivers event aims to demonstrate that, by applying efficient driving techniques, an electric van can achieve consumption of only 12 kW/100km.

Green Drivers is an efficient driving initiative organized by Northgate, a flexible leasing company. The Madrid Jarama circuit has been the setting for the celebration of the ninth edition of a genuine competition for industrial electric vehicles.

The participants enjoyed theoretical and practical training to learn about the most efficient operation of an electric van and were able to see on the track the influence that the driver’s behavior has on the vehicle’s consumption.

This event is part of Northgate’s commitment to electromobility with a firm commitment to training, dissemination of knowledge and awareness of this type of vehicle, focusing on sustainable development from two points of view: the human, to raise awareness of the changes in the driver’s safety when driving a battery-powered vehicle, and the economic, in terms of the savings and energy efficiency involved in driving these vehicles.

Northgate aims to lead the transition to electric commercial vehicles in the professional field through flexible leasing, through which small and medium-sized companies can access this type of vehicles without the need for long-term commitments.

Among the specific actions launched by this company is Green Drivers, where participants experience the emotions of driving an electric van, taking advantage of its full potential.

The Green Drivers day began with a theoretical class for attendees on electric and efficient driving, offering guidelines to reduce consumption in these commercial vehicles. Guidelines were given on how to know when to brake and when to accelerate, use the brake or sail with the help of inertia, make good use of the air conditioning, apply regenerative braking or something as basic as knowing how to downshift. instead of abusing the brake.

Once on the track, the drivers used Renault Kangoo vans to put the knowledge they had learned into practice. The winning team managed to carry out the test with a consumption of 12 kW/100 km, demonstrating that efficient driving is capable of improving consumption by up to 30%.