* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Early in the morning I went to take the car to go to work and, on the sidelines, next to the house, a new neighbor introduced himself to me. He was a common hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) and he gave me time to take this photograph for La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Challenge.

Yes, because in the new visual challenge that I propose to play today it is about finding the hedgehog in this snapshot that I am going to show you below.

Possibly, it is one of the easiest Challenges that I have invited you to play, because I hope you will overcome it quickly. Therefore, I propose the following: Are you able to see the hedgehog in less than 30 seconds?

Have you seen hedgehog? For sure yes. Their backs are covered with spikes and the rest is covered with black hair, in this case. They are solitary and territorial animals, so it is not strange that he was alone when I took this photograph.

Although I assume that you have all been able to overcome this Visual Challenge without problems, just in case (or perhaps out of habit) I am going to show you the image again, but this time with the position of the hedgehog marked. It’s the solution.