The Senate has given the green light to take into consideration the reform of the House regulations, which will allow the entry into force of a potential amnesty law to be slowed down after being definitively approved in the plenary session next Tuesday.

The modification introduced by the PP in article 133 of the regulations, which has passed with 145 votes in favor and 113 against, allows the Board to decide whether or not to apply the urgency procedure in law proposals.

In this way, if the initiative on the amnesty is to be processed urgently (a maximum of 20 days), with the new regulation it could be done in an ordinary manner and the deadlines could be extended up to two months if deemed so.

Parliamentary sources explained that once the Plenary Session ends, another meeting of the Senate Board and the Board of Spokespersons will take place to modify the calendar of sessions for the month of November and include a plenary session next Tuesday at 11:00 am.

In defense of the PP reform, Senator Eloy Súarez Lamata has assured that his group’s proposal seeks to increase the power and autonomy of the Senate and specifically improve legislative quality, he has argued. And he has justified it by emphasizing that if “the deliberative element” is suppressed in these law proposals, as is happening now, “a disservice is done to democracy because what is broken is the principle of legality and there is no room for it.” so that the rule of law is broken.” He said this referring to the controversial negotiations between the PSOE and Junts on the amnesty and the altercations in the street.

From the socialist group, which has announced an unconstitutionality appeal against this reform, Francisco Fajardo has attacked the PP for acting “in fraud of law” and pointing out that this taking into consideration should not have occurred, an idea in which he has made emphasized the group’s spokesperson, Eva Granados, through social networks: “a new attack by the PP in the Senate is being carried out.”

The PSOE has presented a reconsideration proposal signed by all groups except the PP and the Mixed Party, where it denounces that it is unconstitutional for the Senate to decide the procedure for processing bills that are declared urgent in Congress.

Equally critical of the popular initiative have been the Catalan independentists, starting with ERC, whose representative, Enric Morera, has expressed concern that it seeks more “political objectives” than an interest in improving the quality of the Senate.

Josep Lluís Cleries, from Junts, has urgently demanded an amnesty law “not to forgive anything, but to repair the injustice that has been perpetrated against peaceful Catalan independence”.

On behalf of the Basque group, Estefanía Beltrán has described the reform as “swallowing” and a demonstration that PP uses this Chamber “to serve its interests under the pretext of defending Spain”, an opinion shared by BNG senator María Carmen Silva, who has accused the Board of being at “the orders of Genoa.”

They have all agreed to censure the PP for carrying out this major reform in a hasty manner and without conveying the proper information to the groups.

At the opposite extreme, the Vox senator, Paloma Gómez, has detailed that the alternative proposal that they have presented is aimed at allowing one or more senators to request reports when a bill arrives from the Lower House and has taken the opportunity to support the mobilization. “permanent” both on the street and in the institutions against the amnesty.

María del Mar Caballero, from UPN, has supported the PP initiative after criticizing an amnesty law that will turn the country “upside down.”