On some occasions, reviews of places “are carried out by the devil”, as the well-known popular expression goes. Customers take advantage of this public space to comment on the service, the attention received, the price, the atmosphere or the food of the bar or restaurant. However, sometimes they do not correspond to reality, because they have not even been there.

In others, they take advantage of the fact that a family member works in that business to “bring out the colors.” This is the case reported by Soy Camarero, an account managed by Jesús Soriano and that shakes up the networks by spreading the unworthy situations of colleagues in the hospitality sector.

In this review, the customer rates the place with a single star. You cannot read the comment, but it does maintain that the expense at the Music Bar Las Flores can exceed one hundred euros.

However, those responsible for the establishment recognize the person who published the comment. And they did not hesitate to respond to what they considered unfair criticism. “He forgot to say that your ex-wife works in this place and earns a salary to support his children,” they write.

Those responsible assure that they have tried to settle the issue the right way: “I have tried to contact you to remove the review in a friendly manner since this establishment has nothing to do with your marital conflict, but you have blocked me.”

Furthermore, they reproach him for his attitude. “Therefore, we respond to his review so that people can see that it is for an interest outside our establishment. Without anything else to add, a cordial greeting,” they conclude.

The networks also charge against this user. “What a figure, and my pulse does not tremble in putting at risk the work of the mother of her children and the livelihood of more families,” comments one. “A kind of “vicarious” workplace harassment, harming the ex-wife’s employer,” adds another.