Joaquim Fernández i Oller (Mataró, 1958), the former CiU councilor who governed in coalition with the PSC until 2017, returns to the political arena of Mataró (Maresme) with a new formation ‘Ara Pacte Local’, a platform in Catalonia that in the capital of the Maresme is presented as ‘Mataró ens mou’ and that integrates members of various political parties. The local candidacy that is presented this Friday has not gone down well with the ranks of JxCat, considering that it contributes to the fragmentation of the sovereignist and pro-independence sector.

Fernández, who has been in active politics since 1996, held various positions in the city governments for seven years, highlighting the stage in which the mayor was Joan Mora. In 2015 he agreed to a government with the first socialist executive led by David Bote, but the pact was broken in 2017 after the refusal of the PSC to collaborate in the organization of the 1-O referendum and the CiU went into opposition until 2019.

After four years completely retired from politics, Quim Fernández admits that “I have always wanted to collaborate and help” but he had not considered returning to political activity until Jofre Serret, coordinator of PDeCat in the Maresme and councilor for Malgrat de Mar, proposed him to lead a candidacy in Mataró. A list “that is not yet defined, since a few days ago I decided to present myself again” he acknowledges.

The convergent ex-councillor assures that the new formation ‘Ara Pacte Local’ incorporates people of various political sensibilities. The main one and the one that will reap the fruits of the votes obtained in the capital of Maresme, is the PDeCAT, but there are also militants and supporters of Convergents, Centrem, PNC, Lliures and various independents, as well as “new people in politics” points out the candidate.

Joaquim Fernández, who for more than 35 years has been a CDC militant and is recognized as a declared pro-independence supporter, believes that ‘Ara Pacte Local’ is not the white label of PDeCAT but a party that brings together many sensibilities of a Catalan sector without representation .

Although he will lead the electoral list, he does not hesitate to ensure that “I leave the door open to a re-founding of the independence movement” and to other negotiations, with which he launches an order, among others to JxCat, where the news of his candidacy has not settled anything. well and they have already stated that they have not had any contact with the new candidate.