Hello good morning!

Days ago it was said how despite technological advances, old-fashioned war (with soldiers, missiles, death…) is once again a resource – unfortunately – that is increasing. Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, now in Israel… It doesn’t seem temporary.

This weekend a new war broke out. And today, two days after the surprise attack by Hamas from the Gaza Strip and the Israeli retaliation, the war already causes more than 1,000 deaths; in Israel alone more than 700. It aims to spread.

Israel fights to control the country. The priority is the search for militiamen, their hostages and missing persons. The US, for its part, sends warships and planes. The scope of the Hamas coup is surprising, however: “technology has blinded Israel,” it is launched.

Hamas admits that it has direct support from Iran and adds signs of support in the Arab-Muslim world. Everything gets complicated. Ami Ayalon, former head of the Israeli internal secret service, told this newspaper: “We will have security when they have hope.”

On the way to Sánchez’s investiture debate yesterday thousands of people (with the PP and Vox as a bloc) demonstrated in Barcelona against a possible amnesty. In it, PSOE and the Popular Party were urged to understand each other to avoid the independence movement. It sounds complex.

The drama of migrations that is being experienced in the Mediterranean with recent shocks in the Canary Islands leads the archipelago to prepare, now, for a new cycle of massive arrivals. Experts at sea: “You can’t imagine how dangerous a boat is.”

The networks that know everything… notified the police of 201 suicide attempts since 2018 in Spain. Good. The problem is that the platforms eliminate the content in which the crime has already been committed and with it the police’s options to pursue it.

Changes with bulk figures. The addendum closed with the Commission includes that two Spanish public companies will execute the large figure of 6.8 billion EU funds beyond 2026. Four Perte, including the electric vehicle, are affected.

Bob Lenz, pedagogue and expert in project-based learning. “The jobs of the future do not yet exist: school must teach how to be an apprentice.” Read it here.

History is history, although if what we are talking about is the world of art and the works looted in other times, the warning issued by the director of the gigantic Met in New York indicates that the time of repentance is coming: “There will be restitutions ”.

Eating foods enriched “with calcium” is more than common, at least because of the amount of them that exist in supermarkets. Now, when is it necessary to consume them? The specialists speak. (Note: a good part of the population does not take what is necessary.)

The world in Musk’s hands. At the head of So.

Hiroki Ito, breeder of Matsusaka beef, the best wagyu beef in the world. “I want to produce the ultimate meat.” Read it here.