The Balearic Islands considers lost the claim presented by the Government of Francina Armengol to claim the surplus of the masks in the Koldo case and Marga Prohens has decided to present a new procedure in extremis to try to recover the 3.7 million euros that were paid to the plot for some masks that were never used. The Government of Francina Armengol contracted with the plot to purchase 1.4 million face masks. He paid 3.7 million per month after delivery, it was found that the masks did not have the requested quality.

Three years after the delivery, Armengol’s team filed a claim to try to recover the extra cost paid, a total of 2.6 million euros, but the new Government maintains that it is almost impossible for the claim to succeed since the previous executive issued a certification to the company stating that the delivery had been satisfactory and the material was adequate.

The Government of Marga Prohens now begins a new procedure to claim the full amount, not just the cost. The general director of the Health Service, Javier Ureña, has detailed that the new file represents a radical change in strategy since it will seek the annulment of the contract signed at the time. It states that the contract with Soluciones de Gestión y Apoyo a Empresas, the company investigated in the Koldo case, is void from the beginning due to the lack of solvency of the company and the fact that its corporate purpose had nothing to do with the supply of medical supplies.

Prohens withdraws from the previous claim, but insists that the procedure has not expired since it is still alive until April 24. However, he mistakenly informed the company that the file expired after three months and this is stated in the recordings intercepted from the accused. Koldo and other members of the plot insistently pressured the new Government to let the file expire. The Government insists that the expiration date has not been given and denies any contact with the plot.

Ureña has assured that the Health Service will exhaust all possible avenues to recover this money, although he has also pointed out that, at this time, it is very difficult to obtain a refund due to the company’s economic situation, something that did not happen three years ago. at the time Armengol could claim and did not do so.

The initiation of this new file by the Balearic Government has provoked criticism from the socialists of the Balearic Islands, who consider that it is the missing evidence to confirm that Prohens intentionally let the file expire under pressure from the company’s owners. The socialist spokesperson Iago Negueruela has asked for the resignation of the Minister of Health, Manuela García, and the director of the Health Service.