The formation of a left-wing tripartite government in Barcelona is going through stages and is about to fall under its own weight. This was confirmed this afternoon by the leader of BComú, Ada Colau. The former mayor, after confirming that she has finally held the announced – and postponed on Thursday – meeting with Jaume Collboni, said that, this time, she can affirm that the priority option of her successor at the head of Barcelona City Council “is a progressive tripartite government.” .

Colau explained his vision of the moment of the talks to expand the current minority government of the PSC – only 10 of the 42 councilors of the Barcelona City Council – before participating in a new demonstration of support for Palestine.

The leader of the commons, who since the same day of Collboni’s investiture, back in June last year, has insisted on the convenience of forming a government with this composition, has admitted to having met with the socialist mayor . “We have seen each other and I have to say that I value this meeting more positively than others,” she said.

Ada Colau assured that Jaume Collboni’s priority option at this moment is to govern with BComú and ERC, that is, with 24 of the 41 councilors of Barcelona City Council, a solid absolute majority. That is why the former mayor says she now feels “more hopeful.”

“Junts is not his main option” (from Jaume Collboni), stated Ada Colau, who before the Christmas break saw the socialist mayor practically committed to a government agreement with Xavier Trias and the 11 Junts councilors.

As La Vanguardia announced last Friday, after returning from the Christmas holidays, Jaume Collboni opened the range of possible partners of his government to ERC, which until the departure of its leader, Ernest Maragall, had not entered at any time. in the scenario of pacts. Yesterday, the new president of the Republican group in the City Council, Elisenda Alamany, admitted that conversations with the mayor around issues such as “the city model” had intensified in recent days.