Just when Nastase was being honored at the center (his victory in 1973 was remembered, which some, especially Orantes, not only saw but also suffered and remembered as if it were yesterday), the rumor began to spread that watching tennis, in addition to Laura Vilagrà and Juli Guiu (each on their own, paid their third visit yesterday), would be Wim Wenders. Others still made the party bigger. “And Almodóvar is also coming!”, was even said in the box.

But nothing. It happened that they mixed calls. Hours later, the two gurus, on tour in the city for the BCN Film Fest, were supposed to meet at the La Vanguardia de Sant Jordi party. At the Alma hotel. So watching the semifinals, and in that crowded noble area, they were not there, but a very happy Elsa Anka was acting as a proud grandmother. And a single Estopa (David), Carlos Cuevas (from Merlin) and a Laporta that today repeats with the Atlético board of directors. They were probably the most persecuted personalities on this Saturday of few games but a lot of tennis that forced Aspic to offer 950 services at noon, plus the 400 members’ dinner that honored Javier Godó, Count of Godó, and his family, with occasion of the 70th anniversary.

Good tennis, good company, good gastronomy and good weather (the first Godó without rain?), because on this day when Risto Mejide reappeared happy and as a couple (Cédric Muller, general director of Rolex Spain, and Rosa Tous welcomed them in his tent), and Ana Mena was seen (the one from “I’m not like you think” is not as tall as she seemed) and Emili Rousaud, Jordi G.Tabernero and Mireia Torres. oh! and also Ana Tarrés and Mónica Green (unrepeatable duo). And Joana Ortega, Àngels Chacón and Patricia Rodríguez, by Losberger De Boer.