Many times people who have dogs choose to leave them in a cage at certain times so that they do not cause problems inside the house, especially if no one is going to be there for a while.

It is also done so that within it the animals have their bed, their toys and everything collected and not scattered all over the house, so the dogs know that everything is located in the same place.

Sometimes dogs can react in a funny way when they leave the cage, and this can be seen in a video uploaded to Twitter by user @Yoda4ever that has more than seven million views.

In the scene you can see that the owner enters the cage to order something. At that moment, the dog takes the opportunity to go out and close the door, with the surprised expression of his human companion.

The reaction in the comments has been humorous when seeing the curious situation. However, some people wanted to see a bleak outlook for the future: “This is scary, because one day the animals will defeat humanity.” A catastrophic vision from this user.