Ángel Cristo Jr. has become one of the great protagonists of current television. Bárbara Rey’s son is being one of the most popular contestants and generating the most controversy in the new edition of Survivors. After having numerous confrontations with his teammates in Honduras, Sofía Cristo’s brother is once again in the spotlight due to an unprecedented event in the middle of the contest.

According to Joaquín Prat this past Monday, May 20, in the program Vamos a Ver, the participant had broken one of the basic rules of the program: Ángel Cristo had crossed the security perimeter of the area, causing the immediate intervention of the Honduran Armed Forces.

An event that the network reported exclusively on this Tuesday and of which we will be able to see everything that happened during tonight’s program on Nobody’s Land. The images showed several of the contestants alarmed by the disappearance of their partner and several members of the Honduran Armed Forces arriving by sea and air to the beach to begin the search for the contestant who had been missing for hours.

Kiko Matamoros gave more information about this whole matter during the Ni que fuerámos shhh program. The collaborator claimed that Bárbara Rey’s son skipped the organization’s security perimeter after engaging in a verbal confrontation with Aurah Ruiz. ”He escapes and gets lost in the jungle. Some confusion is created and they try to find him in the surrounding area. And hours pass and no one finds him, at least 10 hours pass. And he has to intervene with a helicopter because they can’t find him and they are afraid,’ he said.

After revealing this information, María Patiño revealed the statement that the contestant’s family had published on their social networks. ”Ángel won’t shut up, they want to kill him anyway for uncovering and unmasking the Survivors organization. The bridge thing was not against Aurah, it was against the twisted show and the script that they want to shoehorn into her. “Do not allow yourselves to be manipulated,” the letter said.